Monday, June 14, 2004

Personality tests

I just took a personality test which said i was a Supervisor Guardian. This is basically a person who takes charge and hates slackers. They referred me to Colin Powell and Queen Elizabeth the first. I've always hated personality tests were stupid, and this one just increases my beliefs. In the description it said 'you feel obligated sometimes'. One of the questions for the test asked if i ever felt obligated to do something and i answered no, because i never feel 'obligated' to do anything. The only part of the description that really seemed to be anywhere close to relating with me, would be the social part. I am a very social person and like to be in the center of the conversation. I'm not a person who feels like he has to have power or be in control though. The description also says i hate when people day-dream and slack off. To be honest I day dream all the time and cut corners at work. I wouldn't say I'm a slacker but i'm not really as hard working as i come off to be. Personally i always hated these personality tests for a couple of reasons. First of all they are almost always completely wrong, or they tell you a common trait that almost everyone has in common. (or at least people who take these quizzes have in common) Secondly, why do i want to find out my personality from the internet. I already know exactly who i am, and what i'm like. I don't need a computer nerd telling me what my personality is, i already know.


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