Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Affirmitive Action

I read about an article that dealt with Minority Scholarships. For the most part i disagree with what Auntie Pinko is talking about. First of all, i disagree with almost anything do with Affirmitive Action. I see what Auntie Pinko is saying that most scholarships are targeted towards caucasians. I am a strong believer that every one deserves what they work for. If someone isn't as qualified and a gets the job because of affirmitive action, than that is total bullshit. For example unions piss me off. You get a raise for working there for long periods of time. I believe if you work hard then you deserve a raise. I don't mind minority scholarships because they normally come from minority organizations and it is not taking anything away from me that i earned. If it starts to take away from possible scholarships that caucasians could get than it becomes wrong. Nobody deserves something just because their skin is a certain color. Aunti Pinko goes on to talk about that blacks suffer a lot. I don't think people suffer because of their skin color. All the white trash get it just as bad. I know tons of black people that take less crap than me. They are in this position because they earned it. I come from a pretty racist town so i've seen what some people go through. For a while i went to school at a predominately black school, so i felt a little of this of bit. I proved myself to become just like them. I'm tired of people complaining about their situation. If you don't like it, fix it.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Atrios & Calblog

To tell you the truth, i didn't really see a big difference between and Both of the sites mainly talked about current events and political issues. Atrios seemed to bash the hell out of Bush and the rest of government. Calblog seemed to be more of a conservative side. Some of posts on both sides didn't even seem to take a side or opinion the subject. Some them just explained an article they read. What is the point of having a blog if you don't have an opinion on a certain subject. Just retelling an article i already read in today's newspaper is incredibly boring. Anyways, the Calblog site seemed to be more lively looking than atrios. At the top of the Calblog site there is a little comic strip. The comic strip sucked, but it definately made the site somewhat tolerable.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

salon vs. heritage foundation

I believe the salon website was much better and productive than the Heritage Foundation website. The salon website was more informational and relaxed. The Heritage Foundation website was less interactive than Salon. At Salon readers could post comments and write letters to the editor and have them published. The Heritage Foundation was more asking for money and not giving an individual anything in return. Heritage Foundation was attracting people as a group where Salon was attracting individual people and their ideas

SALON.COM seems to be an online magazine. The website is very functional and nice looking. It is easy to find your way around. Apparently has won a considerable amount of awards. They have won awards such as: Best 50 Websites, Best online Magazine, and awards in journalism. The articles are very well written and organized. There was also plenty of information on how to contact them, job openings, and rate cards for advertising. This site posts letters from readers and subscribers. This helps them interact well with the site and company. Overall this website is interesting and set up well.

Monday, June 21, 2004


I think it's stupid for the government to step aside for the major milk corporation. That's business, you don't like it, tough. The government has every right to promote naturally breast-fed milk. As long as the corporation dosen't go out of business, there is no reason not to have to commercials. If it is better for infants to get breast-fed, than the government should put ads up promoting this. Otherwise some women might buy milk from the corporation because it is easier. It's like the government can say something is bad, like cigarettes, but they are not allowed to promote a good thing? These ads won't bankrupt the company, because some women need to use their product rather than naturally breast-feed their babies.

Heritage Foundation

The Heritage foundation website was very appropriate for them. The Heritage foundation is an institute full of conservatives that complain about the way the government is set up. They want the U.S. to be a safer, free country. Normally i dislike organizations like this because they have nothing better to do than bitch about everything. They claim they are working for 'good of the American public', but obviously they American public is not supporting you. You may be saying "But wait Scott, i support the Heritage Foundation. These guys have a ton of great idealistic changes." Anyone with this organization is a probrably an idiot. If these people knew how to make a 'better America', then they would all be in politics, but they are not. They want all the benefits of a utopian society, but are oblivious to all the negative aspects. That like wanting a 'true democracy' because it can't work that way. You please everyone and not anger others.

Assault riffles

I guess Freud would find this picture "faulty action". The U.S. marine in the picture is petting a cat. At first glance this picture does seem odd, but what else was the marine to do. He has probrably stationed in Iraq for a very long time so he pets a passing cat with his gun still in his hand. I don't think he was supposed to put the gun down. Since Freud was a fake, no one really cares what he thinks.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Personality tests

I just took a personality test which said i was a Supervisor Guardian. This is basically a person who takes charge and hates slackers. They referred me to Colin Powell and Queen Elizabeth the first. I've always hated personality tests were stupid, and this one just increases my beliefs. In the description it said 'you feel obligated sometimes'. One of the questions for the test asked if i ever felt obligated to do something and i answered no, because i never feel 'obligated' to do anything. The only part of the description that really seemed to be anywhere close to relating with me, would be the social part. I am a very social person and like to be in the center of the conversation. I'm not a person who feels like he has to have power or be in control though. The description also says i hate when people day-dream and slack off. To be honest I day dream all the time and cut corners at work. I wouldn't say I'm a slacker but i'm not really as hard working as i come off to be. Personally i always hated these personality tests for a couple of reasons. First of all they are almost always completely wrong, or they tell you a common trait that almost everyone has in common. (or at least people who take these quizzes have in common) Secondly, why do i want to find out my personality from the internet. I already know exactly who i am, and what i'm like. I don't need a computer nerd telling me what my personality is, i already know.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Ode to Ralph

One of my favorite shows of all time was "The Simpsons". In the past couple of years the show has really gone downhill. It's hard to pin-point exactly when Matt Groening 'jumped the shark'. If I had to say exactly when it would be when they killed off Maude Flanders. It just seemed to tacky to me. Also in the recent years Homer has become too stupid, and it makes the show more dull and repetitive. I still think the show is funny, but after ten years or so the jokes get old. My opinion on the matter for Matt Groening would be 'give up on the Simpsons, they are past their prime and bring back the Futurama. I also heard that they are coming out with "The Simpsons: The Movie." Right now i don't think that's such a great idea. If you can't come up with twenty minutes of good comedy, what makes you think you can make a two hour cartoon movie. Even though it would probrably bomb, your best bet for the movie is to have it not star Homer, or any of the immediate Simpsons family characters. If you want it funny then it should more about all the small characters who don't have a build-up personality. Ralph, Grampa Simpson, and the jerk who says "A-Yeeeesssss" (I don't think they ever gave him a name in his three or four appearances) are three of the best cartoon characters ever created other than Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Whats next, mescaline?

I found the drugs advertisements pretty funny actually. Whats a better way to cheer up children after taking medicine their parents made them take, than to give them dolls and stickers. How come people don't get gifts after taking drugs of choice. Maybe druggies should get a mesh hat every time they take a drop of mescaline, or stoners should get a novel size hersey's bar after smoking a fat blunt.

Scott Hoskins

Hi, I'm Scott Hoskins, i'm 18 years old and live in Mascoutah. I go to SIU in Carbondale and taking two classes this summer at SWIC. I major in Radio-Television and going to minor in Digital Sound. For hobbies I play the bass guitar, skateboard, and go skydiving when I have the money.