Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Affirmitive Action

I read about an article that dealt with Minority Scholarships. For the most part i disagree with what Auntie Pinko is talking about. First of all, i disagree with almost anything do with Affirmitive Action. I see what Auntie Pinko is saying that most scholarships are targeted towards caucasians. I am a strong believer that every one deserves what they work for. If someone isn't as qualified and a gets the job because of affirmitive action, than that is total bullshit. For example unions piss me off. You get a raise for working there for long periods of time. I believe if you work hard then you deserve a raise. I don't mind minority scholarships because they normally come from minority organizations and it is not taking anything away from me that i earned. If it starts to take away from possible scholarships that caucasians could get than it becomes wrong. Nobody deserves something just because their skin is a certain color. Aunti Pinko goes on to talk about that blacks suffer a lot. I don't think people suffer because of their skin color. All the white trash get it just as bad. I know tons of black people that take less crap than me. They are in this position because they earned it. I come from a pretty racist town so i've seen what some people go through. For a while i went to school at a predominately black school, so i felt a little of this of bit. I proved myself to become just like them. I'm tired of people complaining about their situation. If you don't like it, fix it.


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